This Is What Must Be Done After undergoing dental patching

Dental fillings are treatments that are performed if you experience cavities. In cavities there are usually parts that have decayed. After the decayed part has been removed, the cavity is patched. In addition to cavities, if there are broken or cracked teeth, doctors can also provide treatment in the form of dental fillings. The material used to fill hollow teeth can be composite resin, gold, or silver.

Care Steps After Dental Patching

After the teeth are patched, of course you have to take special care every day. The following are things that you need to do after filling your teeth:
  • Avoid foods that are very hot or very cold

  • When the effects of anesthesia have not completely disappeared, you are advised not to eat first. Mouth that is still under the influence of anesthesia, will make you unable to feel the temperature of the food or feel the parts in the mouth. You can eat after 24 hours on condition that you don't eat sweet foods or drinks, very hot or very cold.
  • Avoid consuming foods that are hard to chew

  • After filling your teeth, avoid consuming foods that are hard, chewy, and sticky because they can damage dental fillings. For example ice, chocolate, candy, chips, or french fries. We recommend the consumption of foods that are soft and crispy, such as team rice, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, and various other vegetables.
  • Choose teeth on the other side when chewing

  • When you have started eating as usual, avoid chewing using freshly patched or sensitive teeth. It is recommended to use teeth on the other side, until the dental fillings are perfectly solid and nothing is damaged.
  • Take pain medication

  • When you do a dental patch, you will get anesthesia. After the anesthetic effect disappears, you will likely start to feel pain. If needed, ask the doctor for pain relief.
Problems that may occur after dental fillings are patches that have discolored, detached, or painful teeth. Check with your dentist immediately if there is a problem or other problem with a tooth filling. With proper care, you will still feel comfortable even though there are patches on your teeth.


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